T+G’s Diversity Data and Policy
Here's a summary of our 2021 diversity data
- T&G have a good balance of male and female employees of all ages.
- There are a significant number of staff who work on a part time basis, showing T&G's flexibility as an employer.
- The ethnic group/faith diversity is limited but the main reason for this is the locality of the firm and the immediate local population of potential employees. T&G’s diversity policy is inclusive of all.

We detail below our Diversity Policy showing the commitment to equality and diversity.
Our commitment to Equality and Diversity
Towers and Gornall Ltd is determined to create a welcoming and inclusive culture which promotes equality and values diversity.
This policy builds upon the foundation of equality legislation, i.e. Equality Act 2010. The Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against anyone because of one of nine protected characteristics. The act gives protection to people in a wide range of areas including employment and the provision of services. The protected characteristics are as follows: Age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex and sexual orientation.
Towers and Gornall Ltd would like to go further than simply complying with the law and whilst the Public Sector Equality Duty is not binding on the company we believe that through our activities we should always seek to:
- eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, and victimisation in the workplace. No one should be treated less favourably by the company as a result of having a protected characteristic.
- advance the equality of opportunity between staff from different backgrounds and groups – The company should seek to remove or minimise disadvantage to meet the needs of people with protected characteristics
- foster good relations between people from all groups – The company should promote understanding and challenge prejudice.
Our Equality and Diversity Aims
The company has identified the following aims that if achieved would create a culture where diversity is valued and widely celebrated, and fairness and inclusion are fundamental to everything that we do.
- The company will promote development; its employees and leadership an inclusive learning and social environment where all staff can succeed and achieve their goals.
- The company will create an organisational culture in which the rights and dignity of all staff are respected, and where they can feel safe, valued, and supported.
- The company will respect the right of individuals as members of protected groups to organise in an autonomous way into societies, groups and activities and determine their views without undue interference.
- The company will implement inclusive recruitment and human resource policies to ensure that our workforce is a diverse and highly capable team.
Achieving our Aims
We will achieve our Equality and Diversity Aims and discharge our legal duties under the Act by developing equality and diversity strategies, objectives and activities for each of the above aims. We will implement and resource these strategies and monitor their effectiveness.
Responsibilities for the policy
The company’s Practice Manager carries responsibility for the compliance with our legal obligations however the company will work together to achieve our goals.