Chloe Bardsley has been with Towers + Gornall for 13 years. Here is her journey from trainee to director..
“On leaving school in 2007 I started an apprenticeship in hairdressing at a salon in Lancaster where I completed my qualification. Sadly due to health reasons I was unable to pursue this career, however, I feel that I gained great work ethic and customer service skills in those 2 years.
In 2009 I started an apprenticeship in a warehouse accounts department, attending Preston college once a week to gain the AAT level 2 and 3 qualification. Although I enjoyed working in industry and the experience that I gained, I decided that I would like to try accountancy in practice. I sent my CV to a few different accountancy firms and was delighted to receive a call from Towers + Gornall (T+G) inviting me in for an interview.
I started at T+G in 2011 where I began learning the basics of how to prepare financial accounts and continued with my studies to gain AAT level 4, before moving on to the ACCA exams in 2012. Fast forward almost 3 years, 11 exams, a house move and a wedding later, I finally became fully qualified in August 2015.
In those next 7 years the learning didn’t stop (other than for a couple of maternity breaks!). I continued to receive internal support from managers and directors, building my knowledge and gradually taking on more and more responsibility for clients and junior staff. My goal was always to progress as far as I possibly could, so I was extremely happy when I was invited to become a partner in the business, beginning my new role in April 2022.
As well as now helping to run the firm, I closely manage a team of 3 accounts staff who prepare VAT returns, accounts, tax returns and advise on any issues our clients may have. Our team portfolio contains a vast range of clients which makes every day different and we love to learn the ins and outs of each business. We also specialise in anything involving healthcare and wellness such as doctors, dentists, therapists, along with hair, beauty, cosmetics and aesthetics.
One of my other roles within the office is heading our trainee programme. We currently have 12 students studying at all levels from AAT level 2 apprenticeships all the way up to ACCA final exam sittings. Having been through the same journey, I appreciate how difficult it can be and feel it is important that the students get the support they need from us.
The last 2 years have been a huge step up, but it’s a step I’m very glad to have taken. Accountancy is renowned for long hours and high levels of stress, however, here at T+G a good work life balance is extremely important to us. This has been vital in being able to pursue my career goals alongside having a family and not missing out on that precious time at home.
Out of work I love spending quality time with friends, my husband and two sons. We’re a very active family with a passion for health and fitness, driven by my husband Jay’s career in personal training and the fantastic community he has created at his gym in the centre of Garstang.
I’m hopeful that my progression through T+G encourages our students to chase their goals and even when the studying feels like it’s never going to end, with hard work and perseverance anything is possible.”
Chloe Bardsley FCCA